SparksLake #2

SparksLake #2
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  • Lenticular Clouds reflect in Sparks Lake at dusk, a camp fire illuminates trees in the background. Near Bend Oregon.
  • Taken: 8:50PM | August 27th, 2016
  • Location: 44° 0.8461667′ 0″ N 121° 44.2375′ 0″ W
  • Keywords: Beaches/Sand Blue Camps/Campsites/Campgrounds Clouds Fire/Fireplace/Bonfire Forests/Trees Lakes/Ponds Lenticular Clouds Mountains Night Nightscapes/Skyscapes Orange Oregon OR Rocks/Cliffs Stars Storm Structure Summer 2016 Three Sisters Mountains/Broken Top/North and South Sister USA/America Water Waterscapes White