Sky Song Triptych

Sky Song Triptych
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As an orchestra works individual instruments to produce a beautiful melody various conditions came together in perfect harmony to weave an enchanting tapestry of formations creating a rare strong cold core tornado. One of seven tornadoes I witnessed near Norton Kansas.

  • Sunset rises up the towering storm clouds Stockton KS
  • Taken: 8:56PM | May 27th, 2012
  • Location: 39° 28.0565′ 0″ N 99° 16.842′ 0″ W
  • Keywords: Anvils Blue Blue Sky Climbing Cumulus Towers/Convection/Updraft Clouds/Storms COLOR Crops/Wheat/Corn Fields Multicell Storms Orange Pink Purple Skyscapes/Severe Weather Spring 2012 Storm Structure Sunsets/Sunrises Supercells USA/America Vibrant Yellow