Goblin Valley #27

Goblin Valley #27
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Bizarre rock formations in Goblin Valley provide the perfect alien planet foreground to shoot the night skies! Light painting adds detail and depth to the rock formations that frame the Milyway in a 30 second exposure

  • Bizarre rock formations in Goblin Valley provide the perfect alien planet foreground to shoot the night skies! Light painting adds detail and depth to the rock formations that frame the Milyway in a 30 second exposure
  • Taken: 9:37PM | October 1st, 2013
  • Location: 38° 33.8745′ 0″ N 110° 42.0458′ 0″ W
  • Keywords: Black Blue COLOR Desert Fall 2013 Goblin Valley State Park SP Hoodoos Night Nightscapes/Skyscapes Orange Painting by Light Pink Purple Rocks/Cliffs Stars The Milky Way Time Exposure/Long Exposure/Bulb Exposure USA/America Utah UT White Yellow