Ship To Shore

Ship To Shore
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  • The remains of a 100 year old shipwreck rest on the shores of Iceland. A long exposure captures the motion of the clouds and creates the feeling of fleeting time as the Mountains endure the test of time
  • Taken: 1:20PM | February 15th, 2015
  • Location: 64° 14.45′ 0″ N 15° 3.65′ 0″ W
  • Keywords: Abandoned/Disused/Dilapidated/Ruins/Decrepit Beaches/Sand Black Blue Boats/Ships/Yachts/Sailing/Dinghy/Rowing Brown/Cream Clouds Grey Iceland Mist/Fog Mountains Muted/Soft Colors Orange Rocks/Cliffs Snow/Ice Time Exposure/Long Exposure/Bulb Exposure White Winter 2014/2015 Yellow