Canyonlands #32

Canyonlands #32
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The moonlit valley of Canyonlands from the Green River Overlook. The use of a flashlit adds the fiery glow on the tree.

  • The moonlit valley of Canyonlands from the Green River Overlook. The use of a flashlit adds the fiery glow on the tree.
  • Taken: 10:15PM | March 12th, 2014
  • Location: 38° 22.7783′ 0″ N 109° 53.545′ 0″ W
  • Keywords: Blue Canyonlands National Park Canyons/Valleys COLOR Desert Moab Mountains Night Nightscapes/Skyscapes Orange Painting by Light Red Rocks/Cliffs Stars Time Exposure/Long Exposure/Bulb Exposure Trees USA/America Utah UT White Winter 2013/2014