Sparks Lake

Sparks Lake
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  • Lenticular clouds at dusk form over the Three Sisters mountain (South Sister on the left and Broken Top on the right) reflect in the still waters of Sparks Lake near Bend Oregon. A campfire can be seen across the other side of the lake.
  • Taken: 9:06PM | August 27th, 2016
  • Location: 44° 0.8462′ 0″ N 121° 44.2375′ 0″ W
  • Keywords: Beaches/Sand Blue Camps/Campsites/Campgrounds Clouds COLOR Fire/Fireplace/Bonfire Forests/Trees Lakes/Ponds Lenticular Clouds Mountains Night Nightscapes/Skyscapes Orange Oregon OR Rocks/Cliffs Stars Storm Structure Summer 2016 The Milky Way Three Sisters Mountains/Broken Top/North and South Sister USA/America Water Waterscapes White